Facts and FAQS
All of our Strawberries are GMO Free
Concerning the Environment
Our farm is concerned with the environment and promoting responsible health practices.
We follow a program called Integrated Pest Management(IPM), which is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management that relies on a combination of common sense practices. IPM programs use current, comprehensive information on the life cycles of pests and their interaction with the environment. Though we are not classified as organic, it is important to note that many organically produced products also have certain pesticide protocol that they apply for pest prevention. We are committed to maintaining the highest quality products and providing healthy produce for families in the community.
Are Children Allowed?
Yes! We encourage you to pick as a family and enjoy a rich agricultural experience. We simply ask that children be carefully supervised and shown how to properly pick.
Do you have bathrooms?
We have a very clean portable potty for your convenience.
What should I bring?
If your visiting the U-pick fields, you may want to bring sunblock for you and the kids, something cool to drink, mosquito repellent and some wipes to clean-up strawberry juice from hands and faces.
We supply you with all of the picking supplies you will need.
Can we bring our own containers?
We supply your choice of 2-quart or 4-quart buckets that include bag liners for picking.
You can simply take your berries home in the liners - no need for an additional container.
If you would like to buy the bucket, they are a $1.00 ea. or you can bring containers and transfer the berries after picking.
Do you take Credit Cards?
We accept Cash or Personal checks.
We do not accept credit cards at this time.
How do I store my berries, after I get them home?
Berries should be kept in the fridge & are the freshest 2 to 3 days after they are picked
Leave the green caps and do not wash until you are ready to use
How to Freeze Your Berries
Remove stems, rinse and dry the berries
Line a baking sheet with wax paper
Freeze the berries cut-side down and un-covered
Transfer berries to an airtight container after frozen
To thaw, let berries sit at room temp for an hour or so. You can transfer to a colander and drain - capture the juice and use to flavor drinks!
Find more storage tips at www.savethefood.com/food-storage/fruits
What if it rains?
The farm remains open during periods of rain. The safety of guests and staff is our primary concern - the threat of lightening in the area will suspend operations.
Our strawberry patch is lined with straw and seldom "muddy". Excessive rain may cause a few wet areas, so it is recommended you wear older foot wear or boots.